Ignore the chattering monkey

Awhile back I did a video, it was actually a Toastmasters speech, on the chattering monkey. That voice in the back of your head that screws with your day. Well, I revisit that topic today in this video. I discuss the best strategy is knowing the chattering monkey is there and just moving forward anyway.

Facebook.com/rollingmotivation | Youtube.com/Rollingmotivation |Twitter: @rmotivation|               Email : Steve@rollingmotivation.com

Losing your identity

Losing your identity isn’t talking about losing your wallet and having your identity stolen. It’s about doing something so much that you become consumed by it and it becomes all that you are. It essentially becomes your identity. Make sure that you have balance and you still know personally and professionally who you are so your identity stays intrinsically yours.

Facebook.com/rollingmotivation | Youtube.com/Rollingmotivation |Twitter: @rmotivation|               Email : Steve@rollingmotivation.com

Trusted friends and advisors

I talk a lot about trusted friends and advisors what I mean by that is if you have a mentor or a really good friend that gives you good advice but you are chattering monkey is stopping you from believing it. Push through that and trust them. You usually take their advice for a reason and if that’s the case they are probably right.

Facebook.com/rollingmotivation | Youtube.com/Rollingmotivation |Twitter: @rmotivation|               Email : Steve@rollingmotivation.com

Time Vampires

What wastes your time throughout the day? Don’t just think about Facebook and YouTube, think about mindset, think about having to multitask all the time, what about your phone or things you do at work… The list goes on and on. Learn to be aware of YOUR time vampires and you’ll figure out a way to stop them.

Facebook.com/rollingmotivation | Youtube.com/Rollingmotivation |Twitter: @rmotivation|               Email : Steve@rollingmotivation.com


Don’t underestimate the power of bad habits

When we start getting into a new routine and we start changing habits and we start seeing positive results it can be hard to recognize when that old have it pops up and wants to sabotage. Just remember that your old habits were there for a long time and have a lot of control over you. Don’t sweat it just recognize that and keep moving forward with a new habit.

Facebook.com/rollingmotivation | Youtube.com/Rollingmotivation |Twitter: @rmotivation|               Email : Steve@rollingmotivation.com

What I’ve learned in 20 days!

Two thirds of the way through on my goal of doing 30 videos in 30 days that are no more than 2 minutes long. This video talks about what I’ve learned in the past 20 days and the bonus and benefits you get out of committing to something for 30 days. Not only do you get new skills and abilities you learn more about personal resolve and you overall feel better about yourself

Facebook.com/rollingmotivation | Youtube.com/Rollingmotivation |Twitter: @rmotivation|               Email : Steve@rollingmotivation.com