My thoughts on New Year’s resolutions
Why I do what I do! (What is Rolling Motivation all about?)
Finally I put a video together, explaining the origin of Rolling Motivation. It’s not just a brand or a gimmick, IT’S ME!!!!
Creating a motivational home
Your home should motivate you and give you energy, if it doesn’t here are some tips
How much can we really control in our lives?
Some people say that we can’t control things in life, I beg to differ, we can control a lot of things…mainly how we react 🙂
Giving advice without being asked!!
Do you ever give advice without being asked for it? I have and still do sometimes, here is how to stop!
I took my own advice and look what happened ;)
I often talk about all these methods and skills that I use. Well here is an update and proof that I apply all my own advice and I get the results I want 🙂
Who are you surrounding yourself with?
The Result of Perseverance
How to overcome obstacles and keep moving toward your goals