5 things I would have done differently in the last 5 years

  1.  I wouldn’t have worried about my “Purpose.”  Seriously, everyone seems to be talking about “finding your purpose” and “If you do what you love you will never work a day in your life”. This is great if you find that but for me, it drove me BAT S*** CRAZY!  In Tools of Titans  Tim Ferriss talks to James Altucher and James dropped these two gems “Haven’t Found Your Overarching, Single Purpose? Maybe You Don’t Have To.”
    “Forget purpose. It’s okay to be happy without one. The quest for a single purpose has ruined many lives.”
  2. I would have blogged more without worrying about the length, SEO, or Google Algorithm. I mean Seth Godin writes daily posts of 50-80 words total with the longest I found was 290 for Sunday Circular. He was inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame in 2017. ( I didn’t even know there was one, until today!)
  3. I would have spent more time Accepting my Cerebral Palsy instead of fighting against and then beating myself up for not being about “power through”.
  4. I wouldn’t have hounded my dad about drinking and smoking and just enjoyed his company and wisdom. My Dad is 65 and works 7 days a week doing drywall. He has smoked cigarettes since he was 15. He also enjoys a few rum and cokes after work, every day.  I used to pester him to stop drinking and smoking and give up his bad habits. Now the story is different. I now realize WE ALL have bad habits, and these are his. Recently, I have been having deeper conversations with him about life, work, and cars (Our shared passion, is cars). I feel closer to him than ever before.
  5. I would have enjoyed more moments. In the past, I was far more concerned with the end result then I was the journey.  Both personally and professionally.

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