“Every tea pot has a lid” Finding that special someone!

Most of my posts are videos but I thought it would be a nice change to have a written post to keep things fresh, after all some people enjoy videos while others enjoy reading! “Every Tea pot has a lid” was a quote my Grandpa Steve Plaskan used to say to his kids ( my mom being one of them) when they were younger.
Now you’re probably thinking “Steve you have finally snapped all this self-help stuff has gone to your brain and you’ve lost it” haha 
Simply put “Every tea pot has a lid” means there is a special someone out there for EVERYONE, just like every tea pot has a lid that fits. 
With Valentine’s Day coming right up, every time I turn on the radio, my TV or go on Facebook, I am inundated with ads, posts, and people status updates. Wait it gets even worse..”How to survive Valentine’s Day if you’re single” was the craziest thing I heard today, on a local radio stations morning show.
Survive Valentine’s Day??? Really??? You survive a fire, a car accident or cancer! There is nothing to survive about Valentine’s Day. This will be my 6th consecutive Valentine’s Day being single and I will be honest I wish I had someone special to share it with; but I am not losing sleep over it. It forces me to reflect on my Grandpa’s wise Words “Every tea pot has a lid”  and on any issues that may come up for me around relationships. 
Relationships with others, but most importantly myself. If I don’t love myself how will anyone else?
I also realized that I needed to adjust my expectations around finding the girl of my dreams ( the lid to my tea pot ). They fact is my expectations were not high enough; yes you read that correctly “not high enough”. I am referring to the expectations of myself and all the things I need to have, do and be or order to be in a relationship with someone.
The fact is I HAVE everything I need.
I have done all I need to do 
All I have to BE is me.
You are the tea pot, go find your lid!!!

Steve Bertrand  

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