“The Chattering Monkey”

I wanted to write a quick post about my recent success. Most of you know, last year I won the area 5 Toastmasters International speech competition here in Victoria. I really enjoyed the experience I went on to the next round didn’t place so I finished somewhere between 4th and 6th place. I still had tons of fun and was supported by friends and family. This year I was set on not entering the competition and was just going to go support one one of my Fellow Club members Valerie Watt as she was in the evaluation contest on the same night. However, when I got there there was only one individual competing. Valerie and some other club quickly encouraged me to enter the contest; long story short I put a speech together in under 10 minutes presented it and won!  Now I’m not going to go into great detail about my speech because you will eventually see some portion of it on the website after the contest is complete. In essence my speech was about facing fear and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, silencing “The Chattering Monkey” (the little voice in the back of your head).

The Picture you see above is of me earning a win at the division contest, with the same speech, just refined and practised (it is a lot better ). I now go on to compete at the District 21 Level on  May 4th in Kelowna. District 21 encompasses all Toastmasters clubs in the province of British Columbia, on the beautiful Western Coast of Canada. With 5350 members, District 21 is comprised of 285 or more clubs throughout the province, and growing…  I am very excited to represent Vancouver Island in the competition with other elite speakers in all of British Columbia .

Eat well, Exercise and Take Action. That is what I did to silence “The Chattering Monkey” in my head and live the life of my dreams!

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