With inconstancy comes Growth! And it’s OK

OK, I admit it, 42 posts the first year of my blog with only 8 last year; that was laziness. I believe all life-events  are positive IF you learn the lesson within them. “There is no such thing as a problem without a gift in its hands, you seek problems because you need their gifts.” ~ Richard Bach
So what did I learn from only posting on my blog 8 times last year?

  1. People who enjoy my blog were disappointed.
  2. I was unable to build any type of following because they never know when the next post will be coming.
  3. My inconstancy on my blog is a direct reflection of me.
The last one is very important because it simply means, I have areas to improve on in my life. I truly feel last year I was growing and changing so much I did not know how to react and therefore was uncomfortable about posting on here. This year I am growing still but I understand that it is important share times of venerability in order to let people in that can help you grow.
Just remember, be very careful who you confide in because support makes all the difference when you are growing.
Thanks and “Make an impact”

Can we truly be friends with the opposite sex?

Hello all! I am answering the above question from my viewpoint. So…Can we truly be friends with the opposite sex? Now when I talk about “friends” I am not just talking in terms of Facebook, Work or Members of social groups; of course in these cases the answer is YES! I am speaking in terms of true, deep and valuable friendship, the kind where you can confide in that person and they can do the same in you. They are a support, a motivator and most important they are someone you can count on. I have many friends, some have come and gone and some are acquaintances, but I have been blessed to have truly meaningful, genuine relationships with both men and women. Can we truly be friends with the opposite sex? YES! What needs to be done to make this work? 1. Come from a place of genuine care and concern for the other person. When you can truly be happy for them, regardless of your OWN circumstances! (Swallow your pride and be there for him/her) 2. Sexual tension will always cloud judgement, so get it under control,; have an open and honest conversation and establish boundaries. (if this cannot be done, walk away from that person). 3. Understand that regardless of who it is, men and women process things in entirely different ways. Remember that! DON’T BE A JERK! This subject is the same as everything else in life, it takes commitment, effort and communication.

Small things do make a difference

Can one person make a difference? Abso-friggin-lutely! Now I am not talking about, 1 on 10 in a fight or a war or anything of that nature. I refer to it on a much deeper level, the level of our connection to every single thing on this earth. Every time you judge yourself or another person, when you litter or destroy, when you do anything negative; you cause separation. Now here is the good news! When you show compassion, love, open-mindedness, you create things that aid others or pick up a single piece of trash; all of this brings us closer to each and closer to peace for everyone. Here is the simple breakdown: When you radiate positive energy, others not only notice; they change become someone who also radiates and perpetuates positive energy.

A half an hour a day keeps poverty away

I try not to talk a whole lot about money on this blog, but rather about the fundamental of core changes to your habits, mentality and belief system.
However, with state of the economy not exactly “coming up roses” you need to explore different opportunities and “self education”. Simply put Audio books and mp3’s are a great way to multitask.
While you are doing the dishes or folding laundry you could be learning how to be a better communicator. While driving to and from work you could be learning tips on how to be a better parent or partner. So as Jim Rohn the great business philosopher recommends: Take 30 minutes a day and learn something that will better your life.


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How to work harder and truly make an impact!

I think it’s time to let everyone know, I don’t always work as hard as I can! I am however doing the only thing I know how and that’s WORK ON IT! I have always made it clear that I’m no different then anyone else in terms of the struggles I face, I just handle them better then most.( If you think you are dealing worse things then others, open your eyes to the rest of the world)
My 3 steps to make yourself a hard worker:
1. A good diet helps you focus, lots of greens and fresh fruit will keep up your energy
2. Make a big goal other than money, aim for a car or a trip and visualize the end result, put pictures everywhere etc.
3. Tell everyone to shut up! Your accomplishments are something to be proud of so celebrate them!)

Can I feel good all the time ?

I truly believe the answer is “YES!” Now let me clarify that this doesn’t mean “I do feel good all the time”

The fact is I feel crappy sometimes because of what I do, what I eat, who I am around and how I perceive things.
I know we all know people who are happy everyday, some we think are faking it, others we know are faking it and then there is the mental elite that are happy all the time.

How can this be?
Here is what I believe makes someone happy all the time:
1) Get enough sleep
2) Eat right (this doesn’t mean, go crazy. just be sensible and moderate)
3) Workout everyday, even 10-15 minutes of stretching will make a remarkable difference. (George Burns lived to 100, and according to an interview he had late in life said stretching was a daily activity)
4) Get outside, rain or shine… we need fresh air.. wheeling, walking, jogging etc are great forms of low impact daily exercise that energizes you.
5) Surround yourself with great people. Those who have a great outlook will automatically influence you.
6) Limit your exposure to negative people and events. Just because someone has been your friend since you were kids, doesn’t obligate you to spend tons of time with them. The news is packed with tragedy from beginning to end; my advice is to watch only enough to know what is going on.
7) Plan your day the night before. Set goals, block off certain times to accomplish your tasks etc.

8) Visualize. This goes with the above tip. Take a few minutes as your head is hitting your pillow to picture those tasks and your day, going exactly how you want them to.

9) Make a choice, Positive or Negative. Who do you want to be?
10) Turn this into something good… Find the lesson in everything and learn from it.

Follow these steps and you will be on your way to happiness 24/7


A flash in the pan is better than no flash at all!

I just got extremely inspired to write about this topic! I literally, just finished reading a book by Rick Hoogendoorn “What is Stopping you?” First off it’s is a great book! Secondly it sparked a thought that we all at one point or another get upset when we start something and do not finish it! As we should, I mean let’s face it if I don’t do the things that I want to in my life I am the only one to blame and I am also the only one who truly suffers. For example if I don’t reach my income goals or take a trip I have planned, my family won’t love me any less or be disappointed in me. I will feel disappointed for not having that income and not taking that trip! Then I got to thinking even if we start something and don’t stick with it, it is better than not doing it at all. I mean if you eat healthier and get up every morning and exercise then stop after a month that is not the best thing you can do for your life, but it is better than not eating healthy and not exercising at all!

My point is this: Do everything in your power to achieve a goals you set, but just keep in mind that there is benefits in the journey as well. Also, if you keep attempting the same goal and not completing it, take a look at the goal itself and the reason why you want it in the first place.


“Make an Impact