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Are you a high contact person?
Maybe you or someone close to you is a high contact person. This means they have a high social tolerance and like to be in contact with people, on a very regular basis. I am one of these people, I care deeply about my family and friends, so I like to talk and text often. I have many friends that have known me for so long that they they know this is how I am. If they don’t want to talk or interact they simply do not pick up the phone.
Where this can be an issue is with new people, people that don’t know me well or people that simply are not as social.
What can you do to sure you don’t alienate people by being this way?
- Be conscious, simply be aware but you tend to want to talk a lot and share so stop yourself!
- Tell the other people, that you are high contact so they are not surprised and sometimes will even help you stop being that way with them.
- distract yourself find other things to do productive things if you’ve already contacted a certain individual once in the day know that they probably don’t want to hear from you again.
- Acceptance know who and what you are, deep down if your a good person and mean no harm people won’t care.
10 tips to turn a crappy morning into a great day
It seems like this is the theme of the last couple weeks of my life how to turn around a crappy morning!? It’s never any ones intention (well at least most of the time) to actually ruin someone’s day; but we will have those instances where we get an email or a phone call or talk from a co-worker in the morning the throws it into a spin and there is a chance that it will make us hate the rest of our day.
Well I’m here to give you 10 quick steps to turn your crappy morning into awesome day.
- Get up and get moving.
- Drink a lot of water: this has been something that I have been lacking in my life a lot lately though is hydration.
- Think of everything that you’re grateful for: make a list I prefer to do it on paper with a pen but sometimes it’s in my head! Here is some of my list 😉 I’m grateful for my parents, my friends, my health my unique outlook on life,my desire to attack new tasks and always improve on a daily basis.
- Take some time for yourself: Plan at some point in the day to, maybe read a book learn something new!
- Talk to a friend: sometimes just even telling jokes or saying something stupid with a friend you known for a long time for sharing old story is good enough to change your day.
- Always remember that there are people out there that are worse off than you: and you owe it to yourself and them to not be a whiny little baby haha.
- Keep your eye on the prize: focus on what you want in life and your ideal situation keep that at the forefront and your momentum will return
- Remember that you’re not the only one having a bad day: today there is inevitably somebody else out there that is having a bad day and yep I’m going to tell you they’re having a worse day than you.
- think of things that make you smile: I always like to think of a black lab or golden retriever or a baby laughing. (See told you, I know your are smiling)
- Do something Fun: everyone should have a favourite past time, something that centres them, something that no matter what they do they always feel good and they get pumped! I love driving around in my car! Here are some more examples: listening to music watching TV, going to the gym or watch videos on YouTube (careful this one can suck away your time). Whatever it is find that thing that centers you! Don’t let anyone or anything ruin your day just because you perceive something to be a negative when it was never supposed to be. Let me tell you something even if you did have someone trying to bring you down they can’t bring you down unless you let them! The most important thing to remember is don’t be concerned with what that chattering monkey in your head is telling you. I now I give you permission to go have the most productive day ever. 🙂
We all have a crappy morning every once in a while just don’t let it ruin your whole day.
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Changing up your Routine
I am a creature of Habit! I was unmotivated and stuck the other day, so I change the order of my day, still got everything done and FELT WONDERFUL!
“The Chattering Monkey”
I wanted to write a quick post about my recent success. Most of you know, last year I won the area 5 Toastmasters International speech competition here in Victoria. I really enjoyed the experience I went on to the next round didn’t place so I finished somewhere between 4th and 6th place. I still had tons of fun and was supported by friends and family. This year I was set on not entering the competition and was just going to go support one one of my Fellow Club members Valerie Watt as she was in the evaluation contest on the same night. However, when I got there there was only one individual competing. Valerie and some other club quickly encouraged me to enter the contest; long story short I put a speech together in under 10 minutes presented it and won! Now I’m not going to go into great detail about my speech because you will eventually see some portion of it on the website after the contest is complete. In essence my speech was about facing fear and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, silencing “The Chattering Monkey” (the little voice in the back of your head).
The Picture you see above is of me earning a win at the division contest, with the same speech, just refined and practised (it is a lot better ). I now go on to compete at the District 21 Level on May 4th in Kelowna. District 21 encompasses all Toastmasters clubs in the province of British Columbia, on the beautiful Western Coast of Canada. With 5350 members, District 21 is comprised of 285 or more clubs throughout the province, and growing… I am very excited to represent Vancouver Island in the competition with other elite speakers in all of British Columbia .
Eat well, Exercise and Take Action. That is what I did to silence “The Chattering Monkey” in my head and live the life of my dreams!
Toastmaster International Speech Contest Division Winner April 12,2014
I did this speech on the Chattering Monkey that voice in the back of you head that sabotages you. Enjoy!
More consistency, mobility & exercise daily!
March 29, 2014. In the gym 7:30 a.m. Because I worked out yesterday just working on core balance, stretching and flexibility. I have to watch my weight or I might not be able to put my pants on.
Gym update March 26,2014… Consistency is the key
Just a quick update , started building with a good habit of going to the gym at least 3 days a week, I went three days last week and two days so far this week today in the afternoon & workout morning
I hate diet plans but I love lifestyle plans
Tell me if any of these statements ring a bell “I just started a new diet”, “No dessert for me I am on diet” or “I am on a meal program and I can only eat certain things” Fact is we have all either heard them or said a variation of them many times. WHY?
Well, if you are like me you look down one day and say “Has my gut always stuck out that far?” Then you start a process to correct the situation. Most of us latch on to the last fad diet or maybe something your favourite superstar is promoting…I ask you again WHY? After all the first 3 letters of diet spell “die.” My weight and physical fitness level have gone up and down so many times it is impossible to count.
I am guessing you are reading this post for one of the following reasons:
1. You are a friend of mine and you want to support “Rolling Motivation” (which I really do appreciate)
2. You are bored and there is nothing good on T.V ( it’s o.k I understand)
3. You are or always have struggled with your weight and fitness.
4. You are always looking for ideas on how to improve every aspect of your life and you might find something you can add or adjust in your routine.
As you know Rolling Motivation is growing and will continue to, as long as I and those who support me, consistently foster that growth. My business, my brand and my ability to help others; grows because Rolling Motivation is ME, is not just a casual “thing” that I am screwing around with. Posting on my website, putting videos together, sending tweets, updating Facebook posts and all the stuff that I do are more then a habit, they are part of my life..they are my lifestyle!
Exercising, Eating Healthy, must be designed as part of your LIFESTYLE, because if we have to force ourselves to do anything, it is either not going to get done or we’ll hate the process. So you NEED to make the healthy choices fun, easy so they happen automatically.
ExerciseI personally go to the gym 3 to 4 days a week. You don’t have to join a gym, I find it better to have a place to go that gets me up and out of my house early so I get a good start to my day. You may find it easier to workout at home or outside; whatever gets you working out consistently is great! 🙂 I have found the best way to stay consistent is design a program that is 25 to 45 minutes 3 times a week, it’s short, focused and can be done before work, on your lunch break or night preferably before dinner so you don’t eat late. FoodEat more fruits and vegetables, find some you like, make them the alternative to chips and cookies. Also drink lots of water. Be warned if you aren’t accustomed to drinking lots of water you will pee lots initially (LOTS!) but it gets better. If you currently eat poorly 80% of the time and 20% is healthy, flip that around. Think about what you have eaten and what you are going to eat, plan, make meals the night before!
Do whatever you need to limit resistance to your new LIFESTYLE! If you have trouble motivating yourself have a friend or loved one join you on the journey.
DISCLAIMERYou should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.
Self Belief! Overcoming Self doubt and Haters
At one point in the video I tell you Richard Bandler (founder of NLP) ran the 4 minute mile it was actually ROGER BANNISTER IN 1954