Opportunity does not always look like opportunity

Today I started a new job doing inside sales. I am just training right now, but today was great and every contact I have with my new boss and company is better than the last.
Enough about me though. The point is I took a job for the last 6 months selling marketing services to businesses; anything from website design, SEO, printing and marketing plans.
I took that job with no experience in the industry or area. I took it to get out of my comfort zone, hopefully make lots of money, and gain experience. Well I certainly got out of my comfort zone and gained great experience; 2 out of 3 ain’t bad 🙂
So weigh your options and take a look at all the benefits of something before you make a choice to take it or leave it; because even though something may not meet your goals now it may be a stepping stone that gives you that extra something you need land that great job opportunity.

Thanks and feel free to contact me: Leave a comment or read About Steve.

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