Try and do everything

Some people are going to think I am nuts. “I can’t possibly do everything there is too much” I believe that you can and should get everything done that you can in the time allotted. The reason I say this with conviction is because, the more you do, the more you get done. I mean when you are busy (not super busy, busy enough to push your limits) you have no time to complain or over think. There was a social media group gathering that I attended tonight and I am happy I did… I was late meeting my friends for wings, but I was able to do both and I feel that I am better off for it. You have to follow your instinct, but often times if you drag yourself out to a gathering, you’ll be glad you went, who knows you may end up meeting someone there that can help you with you job, a project, or they may give you a different view on something you have been dealing with.

The point is I always end up meeting someone somewhere seemingly right when I need it.
Do your best and “Make an impact”

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