I recently read a book called Action Selling by Duane Sparks. It is an entirely new way to look at the sales process. Don’t worry I am not going to short form the step and teach you the process here, what I am going to touch on is “asking questions.” This applies to our everyday life; questions allow us to get answers that we are looking for. We ask them in school, we ask them at work, we ask them in religion but we don’t ask enough questions when we are getting to know people.

Let’s say you want to sell someone something; well you don’t know what to sell them until you find out what they need, and the only way you can truly find out what they need is to ask questions.
Now we’ll look at an example for those not in sales. You want to by someone a gift for a birthday or special occasion, but you have no freakin’ idea what to get them!?! If make an effort to spend more time listening and less time talking, you’ll pick up on this person’s goals, desires and needs quite easily.

Everyone has experienced this. We all have had a friend that we have known for years and we always seem to give and receive the perfect gift, without so much as a word. This was no fluke, if you spend enough time with someone, listen, ask the right questions and genuinely care; you’ll form a bond that can not be broken 

If you want to build great relationships ask great questions; take a genuine interest in people and they will take a genuine interest in you.

Write it, Burn it and Get clear

OK! So those who know me are aware I am all about “positive thought”, “finding the lesson in everything” and “giving to receive”. I don’t talk about my vision board, my daily affirmations and some of the other quirky things I do on a regular basis. In this case I have a story to tell. I was recently re-reading the attractor factor by Dr. Joe Vitale (such an awesome book) in the book he talks about getting clear…

Now it speaks of it in terms of getting clear so you can have, do or be whatever you want. His tip comes from Bob Procter, take two sheets of paper of the first one write all things you don’t like about life, and feel the feelings or that sorrow or frustration etc. Second sheet write the way you want things to be. Lastly and most important is to burn the first piece of paper; literally burn it. I put mine in a pot on the stove, took a lighter and went to town. Now I don’t know how it works, all I know is that I watched that paper with all the bad things on it go up in smoke and within two hours I noticed big changes.

Mulitasking clearly not right for all!

So I get that everyone has to multitask every so often, however, I have learned to avoid it wherever I can. Why? Because I suck at it! I am the type of person that needs to do one thing at a time and get it before I move on; if I try and jump back and forth I tend to end up with everything unfinished. I share this because it is so important to know what type of person you are. If you can multitask and get tons done; that is awesome. So whatever system works for you use it and always work hard!

Make an impact!!

Remember to leave questions or comments.
You can also email me at rollingmotivation@gmail.com or

Get some sleep

This will be short but awesome. It’s about sleep, I love sleep! Don’t get me wrong I love being awake, experiencing life and ripping up my day but wow; I love sleep! I am starting to think that the main reason I love sleep so much is because I don’t 8 hours. I mean look at this for example; it is 11:30pm PST and I am writing on here when I have to get up at 5:30 am. I mean I love this blog, the topics help me too, so I will stay up and write it is simply that I need to make time to sleep better. I know, when I do sleep better I get more done, faster and I feel great.

Go forth count sheep and get some sleep.
Make an impact

Prioritze you day!

I know I haven’t been updating this blog as much as I usually do, but life seems to be taking up more of me lately. Then it hit me! That’s exactly what happens to EVERYONE! So what it simply comes down to is, if want something done bad enough you will get it done. Some will say “It isn’t that simple, I wanna do plenty, but I can’t get everything done” True! So this goes back to “To do lists” There is no way you can accomplish everything if you keep forgetting things. We all have so much on our plate these days, so write it down in order of importance. Then make a point of getting those tasks done as fast as you can. Why? This will allow you to get things done before they become urgent.

Remember you want to get lots done, with the least stress. So don’t go around chasing your tasks. Prioritize and get them done!

Act as if…

This has been talked about in many forms and labelled many things: Fake ‘till you make it, imagine you are the person now that you want to be in the future. It all boils down to the same thing. I look at “Act as if” as a chance to reinvent myself whenever I choose to. The best part is the reinvention starts in your mind. You start with you programming your thoughts, then that changes your feelings and it is the change in how you feel that makes it all happen. So what I am getting at is, if you want to manage the clothing store you are in or want to become that star athlete, what would they do, think and feel? How hard would they work? Do you want it bad enough? Changes don’t happen over night and mostly importantly that do not always turn out the way you expected them to. However, if you believe enough in the goal and “act as if” everyday you will be one step closer to becoming just that!


I think it is so valuable to set goals. Just remember to keep them attainable and realistic. Well, we all know that sometimes we set goals for a project before we have started it and then once we have started we realize our goals are impossible to reach. So, rather then giving up on the goal; change it! If it is job related it often takes more time than we originally anticipated learning it or succeeding. If you start you own business; there are so many unforeseen complications that business are constantly changing it up! Changing goals is never a bad thing, giving up is the only bad thing you can do.

In order to succeed, you have to want success

I don’t mean “umm ya of course I want success”. What does that mean to you? Maybe you want a nice car, a house, a condo, a certain income level, a family… all of the above. Success is different for everyone and only you know what is right for you. Once you define what success is to you, you have to get excited about it and keep it at the top of your mind all the time. I say this because it is easy to be pumped about goals when others are pumped about their goals as well as yours. The trouble is that the other 95% is not pumped and doesn’t care, or worse they tell you those goals are silly and “only greedy people want those things”. I could go on forever about what the “other people” say, my point is; make your goal(s) so strong in your mind that the “other people” won’t matter. I look at it this way “My goals are so strong, the only way I will not reach them is if I choose not to. I will clear the air right now, you have chosen not to reach your goal because you have set a different goal; it is unacceptable to quit. You have to truly want success and believe in your heart that you deserve it! (You do deserve it)

Easy does not mean poor quality

I always have an issue with this every so often. If I take the easy route I am hurting myself; when the truth is most of the time I over complicate things. Expect easy, anticipate challenge and work hard. It sounds easy right? Well it is! That is my key; I like easy things I think most people do as well. That does not mean you should not challenge yourself? No of course not, it just means find the easiest way to reach your goal. We are challenged all the time, so as long as you can find a way to alleviate some pressure, without sacrificing the desired result. DO IT! Slow and steady win the race; as long as there is progress. The biggest thing to remember is that everything that is hard will become easy. If something is a continuous struggle, then an aspect changed or you are doing something wrong.

Stepping out of my comfort zone

Over the last few weeks I have been training for my new job, it is very refreshing to know that I can cram so much in my brain and have it stay there as well as make sense. The whole process made me realize that stepping (or rolling) out of my comfort is allowing me to grow. I had great support from friends and family which I needed; they had to tell me that all my feelings were normal and will all make sense soon. It looks like they were right. However; as with every adventure on to the next task, the practical application of knowledge.

So step out of your comfort zone, push yourself and love it. Just remember to have support in place and keep it mind that you will look back and laugh at why you stressed out so much.

“Make an impact”