5 tips to help you get refocused at ANYTIME!

Hey there, given the time of year it feels like this topic is fitting. I myself have been living in a bit of chaos lately. Here are my 5 tips to help you get refocused at ANYTIME! With the We Hate Stairs and making calls for a local financial advisor and then working Enrollment Resources as a business liaison I have been very busy. Not to mention I still find time to workout in the gym 2-3 a week, meditate almost everyday (at least I am honest, haha) and I also started Aikido a few months back.
I know what you’re thinking as usual I start off my post telling you all the things I am doing, right?
They sound like excuses, right? Well in a way they are! I don’t see it that way, but I could use all the above activities as excuses for a lot of things but instead I have decided to do a little mini series of 5 quick tips to improve different areas of your life with measurable results!

5 tips to help you get refocused at ANYTIME!

  1. Make lists! Not just to-do lists, make a have done list (so you can see your progress), also a list of all great people and things you have (this will refresh your view on life)
  2. Find a balance point in Aikido we are taught to connect with people and find their balance points in order to shift and move them. Find that point for you and make a move!
  3. Get a good night’s sleep, 7 nights a week! ( I mention this so much because I struggle with it) I often short change myself during the week and on the weekend I waste my days sleeping.
  4. Good nutrition, Fruits and Veggies, drink lots of water make sure to eat enough throughout the day, but do not over eat. Listen to your own body and do what is right for you! If need be, consult a nutritionist or doctor to help.
  5. Go back to what worked, there is a saying I always liked “dance with who brung ya” meaning if something is working don’t change it and if it is not working go back to what was! Remember that we have all had points in our lives where everything was going great and you were seemingly unstoppable. Take a hard look at what you were doing, who you were around etc. and hit the rest button!

No one cares about Rolling Motivation and that is O.K.

I caught your eye with the title, didn’t I? “No one cares about Rolling Motivation and that is O.K.”

Now obviously you are reading this so you like the posts or me or both and I thank you genuinely for the support!

So what is the meaning behind such a bold statement? It’s simply Rolling Motivation is very close to my heart, the posts are lessons from my personal journey! I have the belief that  you and others,  learn and grow from this material and advance your personal and professional lives; but beyond that Rolling Motivation isn’t exactly something that people really “get”. For instance I have given talks, ran workshops helped businesses with marketing and no one is beating down my door throwing speaking gigs at me (yet ;). On the flip side my other business We Hate Stairs  /Accessibility Consulting, people grasp right away! I have been in a wheelchair for 32 years and been in business for over a decade.

At first this was a big blow to my ego! I mean Rolling Motivation is ME, how can people not love it and promote like crazy? Then we look at We Hate Stairs and people say “oh ya that totally makes sense :)!”

Once I stopped a whiner, I realized people are right!!!! It is a lot easier to wrap your head around the idea of Accessibility Consultant, because everyone has a point of reference for it and they can quickly see how the business model helps, society on a ton of levels.

Long story short Rolling Motivation will always be here to help whomever comes across the material.
If people don’t get behind it and no one cares, IT DOESN’T MATTER! I help as many people as I can with EVERYTHING I do, I love people dearly, I am loyal to my friends and family, I talk a lot and above all every person that is important to me, knows it; and I tell them often. 🙂





How to work harder and truly make an impact! Con’T

Hey so I was looking back at some of my older posts,  use it it check on my progress…for instance if I am still struggling with the same issue, I was a year ago or more, I know to make it a focus, so I can excel forward past it. Also it gives me a look at the advice I was giving in the past, I can see if my views changed and I can see if it is still helpful and relevant 🙂

Back in July of 2011 I wrote http://rollingmotivation.com/?p=51

I have added comments and new insights in bold!
I think it’s time to let everyone know, I don’t always work as hard as I can! 
I am however doing the only thing I know how and that’s WORK ON IT! I have always made it clear that I’m no different then anyone else in terms of the struggles I face, I just handle them better then most.( If you think you are dealing worse things then others, open your eyes to the rest of the world)
My 3 steps to make yourself a hard worker:
1. A good diet helps you focus, lots of greens and fresh fruit will keep up your energy
2. Make a big goal other than money, aim for a car or a trip and visualize the end result, put pictures everywhere etc.
3. Tell everyone to shut up! Your accomplishments are something to be proud of so celebrate them!)

How is hard work measured, I have learned that hard work means different things to different people, it also can include different types of work and encompass physical fatigue as well!  “I have always made it clear that I’m no different then anyone else in terms of the struggles I face, I just handle them better then most.( If you think you are dealing worse things then others, open your eyes to the rest of the world)” This message still rings very true, except I caution you when compare yourself to others, doing so can give unrealistic expectations of yourself!

As far as my 3 tips they are excellent, and are extremely important!
I will ad 2 more 
4. Sleep well
5. Exercise ( go to the gym 3 days a week 




The Busy Work Myth

 Are you busy or effective ?




An over-thinkers guide to thinking less and enjoying more

Hi thank again for reading my posts. I have a secret to admit, I think a lot..OK,OK so that is not much of a secret to most who know me! Well recently I have really taken this on as a point of interest. Over the past few months I have been developing ways to stress/think less and enjoy more!

 Here is what I have learned about being and over-thinker:

  1.  If you have been this way for a long time it is really hard to change; BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE! 
  2.  If you have been this way for a long time, no matter how much you change 99% of the people in your life will not notice! Also they will pigeon hole you by saying a variation of the following “you have always been this way”, “why can’t you just enjoy life and go with the flow more” and so on!
  3. Over thinking tends to go hand in hand with talking out loud to come to a resolution. This is something to be aware because when you say something out loud, everyone hears it and more importantly YOU HEAR IT! (self talk is huge in how we feel and act )
  4.  You weren’t born this way it was learned in your environment and by the people you grew up with! 
  5. It will get worse, before it gets better! Meaning you will probably starting stressing, thinking and worrying more than ever right before a big change happens. This is good, embrace this 🙂

 Now the good part how to change this! Disclaimer: Change things in your behaviour for you and no one else!

  1. STOP TALKING ABOUT ALL THE STUFF YOU THINK ABOUT! ( find a better way), use a journal or voice recorder etc.
  2. MEDITATE! I encourage everyone to learn proper technique when meditating. Make time for this I meditate anywhere between 10-40 minutes A DAY!
  3. If you have certain people that are always there for you..ask them how they are the next time you talk ( chances are you talk more then you listen, make the effort communication is a two-way street)
  4. List everything you are grateful for IN THIS SPECIFIC MOMENT! This will help you be happier and distract your mind at the same time.
  5. Do the opposite of what you are urged to do, for 3 weeks at least! If you typical call a friend to complain or talk something out, don’t!, If you tend to get angry and beat yourself up, STOP; negative self talk is A DEATH SENTENCE ( it caused stress and anxiety, and we all know how detrimental those two are to our health!)
  6. Track your progress, facts do not lie! If you generally over react in a certain situation and this time you did not! Take notes! Nothing is too small to note when changing habits 🙂
  7. Stop caring what people think! Everyone tells me this ALL THE F@#%ING TIME, and it pisses me off, because no one truly likes being affected by others, but it happens!

Here are a few things that will help you stop caring what others think of you!

  • Stop asking for advice and they will stop giving it!
  • Everyone sees everything differently it is one opinion ( easy to say but hard to grasp)
  • Change up your routine 
  • Challenge yourself to not talk about your issues with anyone, JUST LISTEN AND ASK QUESTIONS
  • Quit trying to prove to everyone “how much you have changed and all the progress you’ve made. YOUR ACTIONS WILL SPEAK FOR THE CHANGES!




To My Dad

I don’t usually write things about specific people and I tend to always write in such a way that makes you focus on the lesson rather than those in it. Well today is different, today in honour of Father’s day, I write about my dad Wayne. Simply put he is a huge reason why I am the man I am today! His life lesson stick with me and ring in the back of my head every time I face a challenge, his example of perseverance and hard work is the reason Rollingmotivation exists and grows daily. My dad is old school in so many ways and I love him for it. All those hours he spent with me, helping me tie my shoes, put a seat belt on ( which I had to do at least 5 times each car ride, for practice), how to deal with a break up, how to fight for what I believe in and how to drag my ass out of bed and get to work just to name a few! I think the MOST IMPORTANT lesson dad has taught me and is still teaching me…is how to be a man…how to treat people with respect and courtesy, to hold open doors, to always pay the bill on the first date, to never let ANYONE treat me differently because I am in a wheelchair and how to be there for those you love and care about, night in and night out; because it is WHAT A MAN DOES!

Also thank you for teaching me common sense and making me a gear head! I look forward to learning many more lessons from you in the years to come….LOVE STEVE


