Motivating others

I had someone ask me how to motivate others. This is a subject we all struggle with. I used to have enough trouble motivating myself, let alone trying to motivate others. Well I have clearly been able to that because I found my passion. I found what I would do for free and I love it. I love helping people and seeing them succeed in every area.

Having said that you need to find people with reasons to succeed. Reasons to change their lives, reasons to put in those extra hours and work hard, you have to make goals attainable and believable; if they don’t have the reasons help them find the reasons. Above everything else people see and feel your passion. “Help enough people get everything they want and you can have everything you want” ~ Zig Ziglar

People will do unbelievable things if they want to and feel they are making a positive difference. So help people see their success, set small goals, achieve them and set new ones. Every goal should be reachable; however all goals need to stretch people. Make people better and better and better. Don’t worry about time lines, worry about them.

So be the path to people’s dreams and you will have huge success.

Self Education

I believe in education with every fibre of my being. I believe that every form of education has its place. I will be honest; it bothers me when people get a degree for the sake of getting a degree. It goes back to having goals and having a desired outcome. I mean the experience of going to school can change people; you can make great connections etc. I personally have a hard time, with say… working at Starbucks before you go to school spending crap-loads of money then getting your degree and working back at Starbucks because there are no jobs in your field or worst yet, your degree doesn’t make you more employable. Most decent employers would like you to have a degree so they know you can learn and are coach-able etc, but how do you help that whole process? Self Education! Read books, read blogs, listen to audio, go to seminars, go outside of the realm of structured classes and take advice from those, who have so much to give and teach. I will never consider myself to be the smartest guys on planet, but what I have done and still do is soak up knowledge wherever and from whoever I can. There are books published on every single subject imaginable, you can even go on the internet and learn a basic understanding of pretty much anything. I will always have contact with someone who is well versed in that area; so I can ask questions, clarify and learn from their experiences.

Go forth and get an education from the one person who knows you better than anyone, yourself!

Great Friends

I will mention this topic more then once… I think friends are the core of who we are. Think about it. When you are we great friends you have a great time. On the other hand when you are fighting with someone you feel crappy. I was with great friends tonight and we had a wonderful time, just talking about goals and passion, also we bounced ideas off each other. You always want to surround yourself with people that support you and make you feel incredible. You can’t always be around great people and sometimes at work or school we must be around negative people; but always balance it with a great person. This works best face to face because you feel your friends energy but it can be done through a phone call, a text message or Facebook! So go and tell those friends how phenomenal they are and share all your dreams.
“Make an Impact”

Mini Goals

Hello all,
You will find a lot of posts on goals and goal setting. I have talked many times about the power of goal setting. I believe it is great to have 5 and 10 years goals, life goals, family goals, career goals etc. Let’s face it, in order to reach those bigger goals we must take smaller steps to get to them. I like mini goals, those goals that you set for 3 months, 1 month, 1 week out etc. These mini goals should still move you forward and they are always set and achieved with the intention of reaching the bigger goals.

Example: Big goal: I want to buy a house in 5 years. Your first goal should be to get a job if you don’t have one. Then you need to research housing prices, living costs and what you need to qualify for a mortgage. Then work your way to that down payment, that income level or maybe improving your credit.

I will touch on an excellent way to increase your chances of achieving your goals very soon.
Until then “Make an impact”

I have to give recognition to my long time friend Til, she called them mini goals and inspired this post.


This is a subject that does not come up very often… I mean be honest, it is not really dinner conversation or something you talk about at the club. Some people say that forgiveness is more for the individual who is being forgiven, while others say it is for you. The answer? YES and YES. I fully believe that when you forgive, it benefits both parties. If you forgive someone the other person feels better and you give yourself an opportunity to possibly repair or simply build that relationship. Then you ask “well what is the benefit if I never want to associate with this person again?” That is your choice, but if you forgive before you disassociate, then you are letting go of those bad feelings, the tension and the hate.
All of the above are benefits.

The formula to easily forgive:
1) Stop being selfish, understand that the other person has issue and they lash out of do something because of their situation.

2) If you hold on to a grudge it will take a lot of energy (mental energy) you will get caught up in thought and give your personal power away.

3) Find the good, no matter who this person is or what they have done, they have good qualities… if not, then just forgive them to get the hate out and make room for love and compassion.

4) Talk it out, but mostly listen… ask questions and get genuinely interested; sometimes all someone needs is to be heard.

Thanks and “Make an Impact”

Try and do everything

Some people are going to think I am nuts. “I can’t possibly do everything there is too much” I believe that you can and should get everything done that you can in the time allotted. The reason I say this with conviction is because, the more you do, the more you get done. I mean when you are busy (not super busy, busy enough to push your limits) you have no time to complain or over think. There was a social media group gathering that I attended tonight and I am happy I did… I was late meeting my friends for wings, but I was able to do both and I feel that I am better off for it. You have to follow your instinct, but often times if you drag yourself out to a gathering, you’ll be glad you went, who knows you may end up meeting someone there that can help you with you job, a project, or they may give you a different view on something you have been dealing with.

The point is I always end up meeting someone somewhere seemingly right when I need it.
Do your best and “Make an impact”

Thinking Hurts!

I love the name of this post…its funny right? It’s also very true… I have been working hard on thinking less and doing more. I mean is goes with out saying that you need to think things through before you make a choice, but many of us(myself included) think waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much about stuff. I often do not act when I should; this has cost me sales opportunities, jobs and generally frustrated me. So many people give themselves great credit, when they spend a large amount of time coming up with a solution to a problem, or an idea; but the fact is they suffer from paralysis by analysis. Now your argument could be “well have you seen those guys that just do stuff? They are crazy and sometimes, their solution is crap and it makes things worse.” True but that is only sometimes, often they are done one task and on to the next one, while others are still deliberating.

Don’t stop thinking, just take more action!

It’s important to party!

Over the last few days I had been feeling less then 100%, I had crazy headaches off and on throughout the day yesterday. I usually am quite aware of what is going on with my body. In this instance, however, I had no clue… I took Advil, I napped, I drank lots of water, I ate fairly healthy and nothing worked. So later that day I finally I muster the strength to go to a local networking event in the city that I was invited to. When I got there, I was still feeling like crap, but like my mother always says “you don’t wear your heart on your sleeve”; so I did my best to mask my ill health. Shortly after I arrived I starting mingling, sampled food and had a few drinks. I left that event feeling great and was on my way home, when I saw friends of mine in a local nightclub. I told myself I was only going to join them for a little while (after all it was a week night). After being with close friends and around great energy, I started to feel great. Of course I can feel great when I am out with friends, right? Yes that is true, but the good feelings carried on through today, I started early and finishing up late. So clearly for me I was stressed and I need that good time out, in order to clear my head.

The moral is all work and no play makes everyone unhappy. As with everything the contrast is also true, all play and no work is not good either. When you work, work hard and when you are having time alone, enjoy it.

I am not telling people that they need to party more often, it is simply put that often times a care-free night with friends, is the best thing you can do if you are feeling and negative, down or stressed. As always asses your situation and do your best to figure out what you need.

If you keep a healthy balance in life, you are light years ahead of “most” people

Making Real Connections

I always thought that the best way to get people to “buy in” or connect with me was to have a 30-45 second pitch and make sure it was perfect. Whether it was network marketing (I will touch on this topic in later posts), any job that I have worked at or even when looking for work; I would work on my pitch until it was perfect. I could go up to anyone who would listen and really zing ’em, or so I thought. What I didn’t realize in my quest for “the perfect pitch” is people would tune me out. Why? It’s simply because people can smell, feel and hear a sales pitch from a mile away. Don’t get me wrong, it is important to have your facts straight, be confident and get to the point; but you can do that without a written routine. If you are passionate about what you do or at least passionate about part of what you do; talk about that and the feelings you have. People will connect way faster and on a much deeper level if the know that you are sincere. The only way to be perceived as a sincere individual is to be sincere. Sounds easy right? It is! So get to it and “Make an Impact”

To Do Lists

I can’t believe how much more I get done in a day when I have a list. I spoke a short time ago about the power of writing down goals. “To Do Lists” are used daily to help you get more done.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of “To Do Lists”:
1) It forces you to look at your day in a big picture view.
2) You organize your tasks to fit with your schedule.
3) You will get more done.
4) You will be less likely to forget something.
5) You get a sense of accomplishment when you finish something…and celebrate!

It is very important to get the biggest thing out of the way early, because then the day gets easier and the easier things get the happier you are. Everyone knows when we are happy, we are more effective and focused. Also it is very important too celebrate getting things done for the same reason. A celebration can be anything that makes you happy; it should be proportionate to the task, however.

Have fun with this and really rip through day(s).

Make an impact!!